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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Checking references - on and off line

Nowadays, the references you offer up with your resume and your previous employers are not the only place potential employers check you out.  Because the use of social media is so prevalent, it only makes sense that hiring managers and business owners will use social media as well.   What will they find out about you?

This article from 2009 is still of value to you in a job seeker position today.

Here are the nuts and bolts of what kept people from being hired:
  • 45% of employers check social networks before hiring
  • 11 % plan to use social networking sites for screening in the near future
  • 35% of companies had rejected a candidate based on information from a social-network profile
  • 14% rejected a candidate for using an emoticon
Why DID companies hire people because of social media profiles:

  • 50% chose a candidate because their profile communicated a “good fit” and personality
  • 39% based on professional qualifications
  • 39% based on the creativity of the candidate
Remember that LinkedIn recommendations are almost better than references, especially if it is from someone who offered an unsolicited recommendation.
Put your name into the search engines periodically to see if you:
  1. Show up - this is all about your branding;
  2. Leave a positive impression;
  3. Are the only one with your name out there.  If not, be prepared to let an interviewer know that there are  other John Smith's that are not you should they check you out on-line.
What expereinces have you had with a potential employer checking you out?  Employers, what have you found?

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